
This site is plainly about wizard 101, if you dont know about this then maybe if you are a gamer you and possibly your family would be on a journey of a lifetime!!! go to www.wizard101.com for more info on this game. Enjoy! :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

the ravenwood ball and the loads of people

so there was a ball for ravenwood last night and i forgot to post it that night xD but i took some pictures that i think you would enjoy! the party was a blast, when at max, over 250 people were there! :D (let me explain a little more, the ravenwood ball was a giant party for the site: diary of a wizard... i think xD give all the credit to fallon ShadowBlade but it was sure enough a blast and i thought it was the biggest party in all of wizard101! or atleast one of them!) anyways i got some pictures ill share with you:
here is one just when i got there, and more people were teleporting....xD!

here is one i'd like to call: one big blob of wizards! lol.

well thats all that arent so messy with tons of chat bubbles xD

-catch you guys later!