
This site is plainly about wizard 101, if you dont know about this then maybe if you are a gamer you and possibly your family would be on a journey of a lifetime!!! go to www.wizard101.com for more info on this game. Enjoy! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

taking long for loading, but worth the cool picture

alright,  on the test realm since there is so many people, (it can be annoying xD) its been killing my loading as i am logging in. (its a drag!) but i took a picture while i was on my wings, it was loading so long! so my wings didnt load at the same time as my character and i started FLYING WITH NO WINGS! hehe, i got the picture above, so there you have it :} lol. have fun questing!

-fearless                                         P.S, dont mind the chat thingie at the bottom, i had to take the picture
                                                      quick, so i forgot to take out the chat box xD oppsie me...

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