
This site is plainly about wizard 101, if you dont know about this then maybe if you are a gamer you and possibly your family would be on a journey of a lifetime!!! go to www.wizard101.com for more info on this game. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The First 3 Characters REVEALED!

RWWS: Comic comming soon...

Characters: 4 remaining open spots

Thats the main update so far, and I finally got the nerve to show you guys what they look like!!!

Yeah I know, the quality of this is really bad, I'll try to improove on less messups during scetching!

So thats the update, Amber is on the left, Samantha is in the middle, and Dustin is on the right. Click to enlarge if you want to look at more details in the scetching.

Thats all the news I have so far, I'll hopefully have an update soon!!!


P.S: I'm still looking for some brave souls to help fight evil in another world!


  1. LOL I'd love to be in your comic! Just started reading your blog and I really enjoy it!
