
This site is plainly about wizard 101, if you dont know about this then maybe if you are a gamer you and possibly your family would be on a journey of a lifetime!!! go to www.wizard101.com for more info on this game. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What? my internet?!?

Sorry for the low update on the comic, my internet has been really acting up all throughout last week, today when I got on I just barely managed to get on with only 2 bars of connection!! Please hold out, computer!!
   Anyway it's nothing I can deal with right now, but I'm safe to say I finished making the scetch for comic 1!!! Don't freak out, you can still get a chance to be a main character in the comic! and yes, no small stick figures anymore, its going to be pure and solid, with some cool shading effects I learned on my own!
   I'm making some cool stamps for people who enter the comic, so they have absolute proof it's them!!! Altough I really want them to look good, so they might take a while.

The 1st page to the comic will be here in I'm guessing a day or two, I'll try my hardest to keep a steady pace with this comic, and possibly learn how to bring up links to the picture enstead of just planting them on the page...

Whew, I got a lot to work on, better that then have nothing at all!!!

-small words, BIG UPDATE!!!!!
-Samantha Thunderdust

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