
This site is plainly about wizard 101, if you dont know about this then maybe if you are a gamer you and possibly your family would be on a journey of a lifetime!!! go to www.wizard101.com for more info on this game. Enjoy! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Update poster comming soon!!!

To keep everyone on track of the new characters in my comic, I made a RWWS news page up below my blog image.
  What I have recently been working on was a colored/complete drawing of all the characters, the more that sign up, the more updates I'll have, and the more the drawing gets complete! right now there is only two characters, myth, fire, and storm so all other schools are open! and on the page you may think the characters names are a little weird, but its just the japanese names for them, and I want my comic as close to japanese style as I can!
 So I sketched the poster, now I just need to complete it with ink and other materials and it will be finished! I promise, it will look like way better quality then my last comic! and I won't ruin the comic with paint splatters, (sadly like the last comic) and if I do, I'll redo the whole thing just for you all!!

The comic will start once I have the storyline and the characters, but for now, I'm working on all 7 characters, but I can't start drawing the others unless I know who is going to be the character!

-Thanks for taking your time to read this update! keep a eye on the RWWS news page cause thats where the update poster will be!!!

Samantha Thunderdust.

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